Chained (2012)
Title: Chained (2012)
Genres: Crime, Drama, Horror
Description: Cab driver Bob lives a double life as a serial killer who abducts young women he picks up and then murders at his house. But when he picks up Sarah Fittler and her nine-year-old son, Bob forces the boy to live with him as his personal slave. The boy, renamed "Rabbit" by Bob, grows up witnessing the suffering and death that Bob causes almost every day. As Rabbit becomes a man, Bob seeks to make him his protégé. Will Rabbit carry on the legacy?
Director: Jennifer Lynch
Writer: Damian O'Donnell, Jennifer Lynch
Actors: Vincent D'Onofrio, Eamon Farren, Evan Bird
Rating: 6.4
Votes: 17640
Rated: R
Runtime: 94 min
Format: mp4 Size: 698.15 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 528 pixels
Duration: 01:34:17
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Title: Chained (2012)
Genres: Crime, Drama, Horror
Description: Cab driver Bob lives a double life as a serial killer who abducts young women he picks up and then murders at his house. But when he picks up Sarah Fittler and her nine-year-old son, Bob forces the boy to live with him as his personal slave. The boy, renamed "Rabbit" by Bob, grows up witnessing the suffering and death that Bob causes almost every day. As Rabbit becomes a man, Bob seeks to make him his protégé. Will Rabbit carry on the legacy?
Director: Jennifer Lynch
Writer: Damian O'Donnell, Jennifer Lynch
Actors: Vincent D'Onofrio, Eamon Farren, Evan Bird
Rating: 6.4
Votes: 17640
Rated: R
Runtime: 94 min
Format: mp4 Size: 698.15 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 528 pixels
Duration: 01:34:17
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