Devil's Knot (2013)
Title: Devil's Knot (2013)
Genres: Biography, Crime, Drama
Description: Based on the actual events of the West Memphis Three, where three young boys were savagely murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. Spurred on by the demand from a grieving town, the local police act quickly to bring three "devil-worshipping" teenagers to trial. With their lives hanging in the balance, investigator Ron Lax is trying to find the truth between the town's need for justice and the guilt of the accused.
Director: Atom Egoyan
Writer: Paul Harris Boardman, Scott Derrickson, Mara Leveritt
Actors: Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Alessandro Nivola
Rating: 6.1
Votes: 21682
Rated: Not Rated
Runtime: 114 min
Format: mp4 Size: 813.67 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:54:14
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Title: Devil's Knot (2013)
Genres: Biography, Crime, Drama
Description: Based on the actual events of the West Memphis Three, where three young boys were savagely murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. Spurred on by the demand from a grieving town, the local police act quickly to bring three "devil-worshipping" teenagers to trial. With their lives hanging in the balance, investigator Ron Lax is trying to find the truth between the town's need for justice and the guilt of the accused.
Director: Atom Egoyan
Writer: Paul Harris Boardman, Scott Derrickson, Mara Leveritt
Actors: Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Alessandro Nivola
Rating: 6.1
Votes: 21682
Rated: Not Rated
Runtime: 114 min
Format: mp4 Size: 813.67 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:54:14
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