English Complt
Title: Flee the Light (2021)
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Description: A psychology student attempts to cure her sister's crippling psychosis only to expose them both to its origin: an ancient creature intent on claiming their souls.
Director: Alexandra Senza
Writer: Jennifer Mancini
Actors: Annie Tuma, Ariana Marquis, Jamar Adams Thompson
Rating: 3.1
Votes: 99
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 81 min
Format: mkv Size: 3.91 GB
Width: 1916 pixels
Height: 1076 pixels
Duration: 01:21:08
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Title: Flee the Light (2021)
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Description: A psychology student attempts to cure her sister's crippling psychosis only to expose them both to its origin: an ancient creature intent on claiming their souls.
Director: Alexandra Senza
Writer: Jennifer Mancini
Actors: Annie Tuma, Ariana Marquis, Jamar Adams Thompson
Rating: 3.1
Votes: 99
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 81 min
Format: mkv Size: 3.91 GB
Width: 1916 pixels
Height: 1076 pixels
Duration: 01:21:08
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