Joe (2013) [1080p]
Title: Joe (2013)
Genres: Crime, Drama
Description: In order to provide for his destitute family of drifters, a likable, sincere, able-bodied 15-year-old boy comes to hire on among a burned-out ex-con's group of aging forest laborers. As the man becomes more and more aware of the boy's abusive home life, his deeply buried humanity is roused. Drinking and smoking incessantly to remain detached from his volatile temper, he finally takes the matter into his own hands - come what may - when the boy's alcoholic father finally goes too far.
Director: David Gordon Green
Writer: Gary Hawkins, Larry Brown
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Gary Poulter
Rating: 6.9
Votes: 47969
Rated: R
Runtime: 117 min
Format: mp4 Size: 1.85 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 816 pixels
Duration: 01:57:44
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Title: Joe (2013)
Genres: Crime, Drama
Description: In order to provide for his destitute family of drifters, a likable, sincere, able-bodied 15-year-old boy comes to hire on among a burned-out ex-con's group of aging forest laborers. As the man becomes more and more aware of the boy's abusive home life, his deeply buried humanity is roused. Drinking and smoking incessantly to remain detached from his volatile temper, he finally takes the matter into his own hands - come what may - when the boy's alcoholic father finally goes too far.
Director: David Gordon Green
Writer: Gary Hawkins, Larry Brown
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Gary Poulter
Rating: 6.9
Votes: 47969
Rated: R
Runtime: 117 min
Format: mp4 Size: 1.85 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 816 pixels
Duration: 01:57:44
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