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Title: Mahogany (1975)
Genres: Drama, Romance
Description: Tracy, an aspiring designer from the slums of Chicago puts herself through fashion school in the hopes of becoming one of the world's top designers. Her ambition leads her to Rome spurring a choice between the man she loves or her newfound success.
Director: Berry Gordy, Tony Richardson, Jack Wormser
Writer: John Byrum, Toni Amber
Actors: Diana Ross, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Perkins
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 1958
Rated: PG
Runtime: 109 min
Format: mkv Size: 284.42 MB
Width: 608 pixels
Height: 256 pixels
Duration: 01:48:42
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Title: Mahogany (1975)
Genres: Drama, Romance
Description: Tracy, an aspiring designer from the slums of Chicago puts herself through fashion school in the hopes of becoming one of the world's top designers. Her ambition leads her to Rome spurring a choice between the man she loves or her newfound success.
Director: Berry Gordy, Tony Richardson, Jack Wormser
Writer: John Byrum, Toni Amber
Actors: Diana Ross, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Perkins
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 1958
Rated: PG
Runtime: 109 min
Format: mkv Size: 284.42 MB
Width: 608 pixels
Height: 256 pixels
Duration: 01:48:42
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