My Little Pony Equestria Girls (2013)
Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
Description: In Equestria, the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle is still trying to adjust to her new status and wings. However, Sunset Shimmer a renegade former student of Princess Celestia, steals her magic crown and escapes to another world. Twilight is charged with recovering the crown and she and her companion, Spike, pursue the thief. Crossing over, Twilight finds that she has been changed into a powerless human in a high school world populated with teenage human counterparts of her friends. To save both worlds, Twilight must rediscover the magic of friendship that transcends everything she imagined possible.
Director: Jayson Thiessen, Noelle Benvenuti
Writer: Meghan McCarthy, Lauren Faust, Bonnie Zacherle
Actors: Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman
Rating: 6.3
Votes: 5211
Rated: TV-Y
Runtime: 72 min
Format: mp4 Size: 688.32 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:13:17
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Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
Description: In Equestria, the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle is still trying to adjust to her new status and wings. However, Sunset Shimmer a renegade former student of Princess Celestia, steals her magic crown and escapes to another world. Twilight is charged with recovering the crown and she and her companion, Spike, pursue the thief. Crossing over, Twilight finds that she has been changed into a powerless human in a high school world populated with teenage human counterparts of her friends. To save both worlds, Twilight must rediscover the magic of friendship that transcends everything she imagined possible.
Director: Jayson Thiessen, Noelle Benvenuti
Writer: Meghan McCarthy, Lauren Faust, Bonnie Zacherle
Actors: Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman
Rating: 6.3
Votes: 5211
Rated: TV-Y
Runtime: 72 min
Format: mp4 Size: 688.32 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:13:17
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