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Title: Operation Mincemeat (2021)
Genres: Drama, War
Description: In the context of WW2 narratives, the story of Operation Mincemeat is unique a bizarre and seductive cinematic blend of high-level espionage and ingenious fiction, where the stakes could hardly be higher. Michelle Ashford's script fuses multiple strands and moods: tense, romantic, thrilling, unexpectedly funny, and endlessly surprising. It tells a richly human story of the soldiers we seldom see, who fight a different kind of war in shadows and deception, haunted by the knowledge that certainty and guarantee of success are nowhere to be found.
Director: John Madden
Writer: Michelle Ashford, Ben Macintyre
Actors: Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald
Rating: 6.7
Votes: 10732
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 128 min
Format: mp4 Size: 2.12 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 804 pixels
Duration: 02:07:41
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Title: Operation Mincemeat (2021)
Genres: Drama, War
Description: In the context of WW2 narratives, the story of Operation Mincemeat is unique a bizarre and seductive cinematic blend of high-level espionage and ingenious fiction, where the stakes could hardly be higher. Michelle Ashford's script fuses multiple strands and moods: tense, romantic, thrilling, unexpectedly funny, and endlessly surprising. It tells a richly human story of the soldiers we seldom see, who fight a different kind of war in shadows and deception, haunted by the knowledge that certainty and guarantee of success are nowhere to be found.
Director: John Madden
Writer: Michelle Ashford, Ben Macintyre
Actors: Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald
Rating: 6.7
Votes: 10732
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 128 min
Format: mp4 Size: 2.12 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 804 pixels
Duration: 02:07:41
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