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Professional JavaScript 2023 (Beginner to Advanced!) | Udemy


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Professional JavaScript 2023 (Beginner to Advanced!) | Udemy
English | Size: 8.37 GB
Genre: eLearning​

This is the #1 resource to master modern JavaScript! Learn modern ES6+ JavaScript by building real, beautiful projects.

What you'll learn
How to code JS in 2023 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together
Best practices in 2023
Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy
Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc.
Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await)
Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch()
Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc.
Easily master React/Angular/Vue or NodeJS afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks
Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React
Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel
BONUS: By going through the course you'll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too

This is the #1 resource to master modern JavaScript (ES6+)!

Take your JavaScript to an advanced, professional level by building beautiful, real-world projects from scratch (2 small beginner projects, 1 big intermediate project and 1 big advanced project). Other courses start from outdated concepts first (like ES5 and below) -- we will use modern concepts right from the start (ES6+ like const/let and arrow functions -- of course properly explained).

Course Projects

Top-tier, real-world projects. Expertly engineered to help you code modern websites & web apps with the latest best practices.

2 Small beginner projects:

Fancy Counter: Build a useful counter app

Word Analytics: Build a slick word analytics app

1 Big intermediate project:

CorpComment: Build a sleek public feedback tool

1 Big advanced project:

rmtDev: Build a stylish job board for remote developer jobs

What You'll Learn

1) How to code JS in 2023 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together

2) Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy

3) Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc.

4) Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await)

5) Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch()

6) Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc.

7) Easily master React/Angular/Vue or Node.js afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks

8) Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React

9) Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel

10) BONUS: By going through the course you'll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too

Specifically, these are the concepts you will learn in no particular order

What is JavaScript & What can we do with it

how to include JS in HTML-file ('defer')


when to use let instead of const

deep mastery of data types & structures (arrays, objects, etc.)

deep mastery of functions (traditional vs arrow functions)

template literals (``)

ternary operator (? :)

how to manipulate HTML (also called DOM manipulation) -- querySelector(), getting user input from input field, disabling buttons, etc.

how to manipulate CSS

dealing with events (e.g. click and typing events)

event delegation (event bubbling)

deal with forms (user submits data -- very common)

how modern websites and web apps work generally from a JavaScript perspective

if-else statements


&& operator

array methods (e.g. .forEach(), .map(), .slice(), .join())

string methods (e.g. .includes(), .trim())

DRY-concept (Don't Repeat Yourself)

how to extract repetitive code into its own helper function

how to communicate with servers properly

fetch() API




how to work with JSON

synchronous vs asynchronous code

promises (.then and .catch)

error handling (throw new Error)

2xx, 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes

async / await

try / catch

what is 'state' and 'rendering'

overall structure / architecture

folder structure

most common loop (forEach)

increment or decrement by 1 (++ and --)

unary plus operator (+)

modularity (IIFE's vs separate your JS-code into multiple files)

how to deal with XSS

comments in JS

regular expressions

URL-structure (scheme / protocol, domain, query string parameters)


undefined and null

truthy and falsy values

optional chaining (?.)

import/export (ES Modules) vs require/module.exports (CommonJS)

named export vs default export

default value for function parameter

what is refactoring

helper / utility functions

implement common features like sorting & pagination

routing (e.g. how to manipulate URL)

window object



build process (webpack, Babel, PostCSS)

formatting in JS (semicolons, tabs vs spaces)

for loop

and more! (can't include everything here)

Avoid struggling with JavaScript for years to come. Hope to see you in the course!

Who this course is for:
You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it's the most important fundamental skill for web developers
You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it underlies all other popular tech (React, NodeJS, etc.)




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