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Reason RE Lectric Panda - Aggregate v1.0.0


Active member

Team DECiBEL | 14 Dec 2021 | 17.7MB
Aggregate is a generative music player for Reason that allows the user to control meta-parameters of music composition. Lists of values are iterated over with time durations then aggregated with other lists such that they change over time in complex ways. Users define a rhythm, scale, and chord progression which are then used as the basis for two separate generators, a melody generator and an accompaniment generator. The musical results can then be further mutated with two separate mutation engines.
Aggregate is the result of half a decade of coding and experimentation. The core generative engine was written and re-written multiple times using multiple programming languages and multiple platforms. Each new version improving and refining its methods. Fragments of the system were released in the smaller Rack Extension Evolution.

Aggregate is the newest form of this process.
- Advanced Generative Music System
- Permute Rhythm, Scales, Chords, Melody, Accompany
- Two Additional Full Sequence Mutation Engines

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