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Reason RE Lectric Panda - Korde Sequencer v1.2.3


Active member

Team DECiBEL | 14 Dec 2021 | 16.2MB
Korde is an 8 voice arpeggiator sequencer hybrid. You get a classic matrix style editor where each row is dynamically assigned a note as its played.
- Classic Matrix style step editor

- - Selectable Octave per step
- Notes assigned to grid as its played like an instrument
- 8 independent voices
- 8 patterns per voice
- Each pattern has independent parameters
- - Pattern length
- - Key grid
- - Rate divider
- - Step direction
- - Velocity Curve
- - Gate length
- - Auxiliary CV1 and CV2 Curve
- - - Unipolar and Bipolar output
- Quick Pattern Editing Features
- - Operate on the keys, curve, or both
- - Shifting Up, Down, Left, Right
- - Random and Alter features
- - Copy and Paste keys, curves, or patterns
- Sync and Rate Selection
- - Free running
- - Tempo synced to first note down
- - Transport hard sync.
- Global tune -24/24 semitones
- Global note grid selection
- - Lowest
- - Highest
- - First
- - Last
- Note repeat feature will fill the unassigned rows with whats played.
- - Repeat 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
- - Mirror 1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2
- CV input modulation per voice
- - Current Step position
- - Gate length
- - Velocity
- Arpeggiator sequencer
- Classic Matrix style step editor
- 8 independent voices

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