English Complt
Title: Respect (2021)
Genres: Biography, Drama, Music
Description: The film follows the first two decades of Franklin's life, from being born as a musical prodigy in an affluent African-American family, the repercussions of losing her mother at age 10 to her arduous rise to international musical stardom, while enduring an abusive marriage, ultimately concluding with the recording of her influential live album Amazing Grace (1972).
Director: Liesl Tommy
Writer: Tracey Scott Wilson, Callie Khouri
Actors: Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker, Marlon Wayans
Rating: 6.5
Votes: 11900
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 145 min
Format: mkv Size: 7.18 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 800 pixels
Duration: 02:25:20
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Title: Respect (2021)
Genres: Biography, Drama, Music
Description: The film follows the first two decades of Franklin's life, from being born as a musical prodigy in an affluent African-American family, the repercussions of losing her mother at age 10 to her arduous rise to international musical stardom, while enduring an abusive marriage, ultimately concluding with the recording of her influential live album Amazing Grace (1972).
Director: Liesl Tommy
Writer: Tracey Scott Wilson, Callie Khouri
Actors: Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker, Marlon Wayans
Rating: 6.5
Votes: 11900
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 145 min
Format: mkv Size: 7.18 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 800 pixels
Duration: 02:25:20
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