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Title: Safe Space (2022)
Genres: Crime, Drama, Horror
Description: Recently widowed Lila Jackson and her 14-year-old autistic son Ian are grateful for their kind neighbor Neil who looks out for them. After Ian accidentally witnesses a break-in in the house across the street and records the horrific murder of the homeowner, Lila becomes embroiled in a deadly struggle to protect her son from intruders Dominic and Rocco, who will stop at nothing to retrieve the video evidence of the crime and silence them. Hiding and trapped in a makeshift panic room created by her late husband, Lila and Ian must use all of their strength and intelligence to outsmart the intruders to save themselves.
Director: Boris Kodjoe
Writer: Nneka Gerstle
Actors: Nicole Ari Parker, Drea de Matteo, Nik Sanchez
Rating: 5.3
Votes: 242
Rated: TV-14
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mp4 Size: 695 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:23:10
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Title: Safe Space (2022)
Genres: Crime, Drama, Horror
Description: Recently widowed Lila Jackson and her 14-year-old autistic son Ian are grateful for their kind neighbor Neil who looks out for them. After Ian accidentally witnesses a break-in in the house across the street and records the horrific murder of the homeowner, Lila becomes embroiled in a deadly struggle to protect her son from intruders Dominic and Rocco, who will stop at nothing to retrieve the video evidence of the crime and silence them. Hiding and trapped in a makeshift panic room created by her late husband, Lila and Ian must use all of their strength and intelligence to outsmart the intruders to save themselves.
Director: Boris Kodjoe
Writer: Nneka Gerstle
Actors: Nicole Ari Parker, Drea de Matteo, Nik Sanchez
Rating: 5.3
Votes: 242
Rated: TV-14
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mp4 Size: 695 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:23:10
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