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Title: Sins in the Suburbs (2022)
Genres: Thriller, TV Movie
Description: Heather, a struggling artist living in a quiet neighborhood, meets her new neighbor: the good-looking photographer Tyler. While at first intrigued, Heather begins to question if Tyler may be involved in reports of a local serial k...
Director: Sam Fichtner
Writer: John F. Hayes, David Ian McKendry
Actors: Austin Gage, Harvey B. Jackson, Steph Martinez
Rating: 5.6
Votes: 84
Rated: TV-14
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mkv Size: 1.6 GB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:27:11
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Title: Sins in the Suburbs (2022)
Genres: Thriller, TV Movie
Description: Heather, a struggling artist living in a quiet neighborhood, meets her new neighbor: the good-looking photographer Tyler. While at first intrigued, Heather begins to question if Tyler may be involved in reports of a local serial k...
Director: Sam Fichtner
Writer: John F. Hayes, David Ian McKendry
Actors: Austin Gage, Harvey B. Jackson, Steph Martinez
Rating: 5.6
Votes: 84
Rated: TV-14
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mkv Size: 1.6 GB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Duration: 01:27:11
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