English Complt
Title: Supermodel (2006)
Genres: Drama
Description: A young girl from the Brooklyn housing projects goes from the subway to the runway becoming one of the most sought after models in the fashion industry. But in the high stakes world of fashion and beauty. Things aren't always as pretty and glamorous as they seem.
Director: Shawn Baker
Writer: Shawn Baker, Philip McGowan, Datari Turner
Actors: Datari Turner, Sessilee Lopez, Tyson Beckford
Rating: 4.2
Votes: 101
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 97 min
Format: mp4 Size: 699.1 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 536 pixels
Duration: 01:36:59
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Title: Supermodel (2006)
Genres: Drama
Description: A young girl from the Brooklyn housing projects goes from the subway to the runway becoming one of the most sought after models in the fashion industry. But in the high stakes world of fashion and beauty. Things aren't always as pretty and glamorous as they seem.
Director: Shawn Baker
Writer: Shawn Baker, Philip McGowan, Datari Turner
Actors: Datari Turner, Sessilee Lopez, Tyson Beckford
Rating: 4.2
Votes: 101
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 97 min
Format: mp4 Size: 699.1 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 536 pixels
Duration: 01:36:59
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