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Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC 2022.1.301
Deliver high-quality apps in the quickest timeframe using the 110+ ASP.NET MVC UI components that cover any use case scenario.
Performance optimized ASP.NET MVC components for any scenario
Enjoy 110+ ASP.NET MVC controls for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more.
Feature rich components for powerful and responsive apps
Develop data-driven web applications using our full-featured UI components such as MVC Grid, Editor, Scheduler and many more. Simple, yet powerful data binding and CRUD operations with multitude of options - EF Core, OData, Web API and SignalR.
Built-In & Customizable Theming
Apply one of 20+ professionally designed built-in themes or use the Telerik SAAS Theme Builder or Figma Kits to customize and deliver sophisticated applications in no time.
Detailed Documentation, Code Samples & Technical Trainings
Take advantage of the detailed documentation, free technical online trainings and live demos for every UI component to achieve meaningful results in no time.
Award-winning Support from the Minds Behind the Product
Develop your projects with ease knowing our outstanding technical support team will always have your back.
Web Apps Available to Any User Anywhere
Enjoy full support for accessibility standards, RTL support and keyboard navigation for the tech-savvy users & respond to the user's culture to correctly format numbers, dates and helper texts.
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File size: 381.8 MB
Deliver high-quality apps in the quickest timeframe using the 110+ ASP.NET MVC UI components that cover any use case scenario.
Performance optimized ASP.NET MVC components for any scenario
Enjoy 110+ ASP.NET MVC controls for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more.
Feature rich components for powerful and responsive apps
Develop data-driven web applications using our full-featured UI components such as MVC Grid, Editor, Scheduler and many more. Simple, yet powerful data binding and CRUD operations with multitude of options - EF Core, OData, Web API and SignalR.
Built-In & Customizable Theming
Apply one of 20+ professionally designed built-in themes or use the Telerik SAAS Theme Builder or Figma Kits to customize and deliver sophisticated applications in no time.
Detailed Documentation, Code Samples & Technical Trainings
Take advantage of the detailed documentation, free technical online trainings and live demos for every UI component to achieve meaningful results in no time.
Award-winning Support from the Minds Behind the Product
Develop your projects with ease knowing our outstanding technical support team will always have your back.
Web Apps Available to Any User Anywhere
Enjoy full support for accessibility standards, RTL support and keyboard navigation for the tech-savvy users & respond to the user's culture to correctly format numbers, dates and helper texts.
HomePage :
