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Title: Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021)
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Description: 1994. In Shadyside, the murder capital of the United States, yet another brutal, unmotivated massacre sends shivers down the spine. And, more and more, the unholy name of Sarah Fier, a cursed local witch, keeps popping up. Now, something evil has awoken, forcing a team of five teenage friends to summon up the courage to get to the bottom of a bloody, centuries-old secret and fight tooth and nail against unstoppable supernatural forces to stay alive. But in this dangerous cat-and-mouse game, someone else makes the rules. Can the young defenders lift the town curse and end it all?
Director: Leigh Janiak
Writer: R.L. Stine, Kyle Killen, Phil Graziadei
Actors: Kiana Madeira, Olivia Scott Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr.
Rating: 6.2
Votes: 74805
Rated: R
Runtime: 107 min
Format: mkv Size: 893.23 MB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 1080 pixels
Duration: 02:07:03
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Title: Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021)
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Description: 1994. In Shadyside, the murder capital of the United States, yet another brutal, unmotivated massacre sends shivers down the spine. And, more and more, the unholy name of Sarah Fier, a cursed local witch, keeps popping up. Now, something evil has awoken, forcing a team of five teenage friends to summon up the courage to get to the bottom of a bloody, centuries-old secret and fight tooth and nail against unstoppable supernatural forces to stay alive. But in this dangerous cat-and-mouse game, someone else makes the rules. Can the young defenders lift the town curse and end it all?
Director: Leigh Janiak
Writer: R.L. Stine, Kyle Killen, Phil Graziadei
Actors: Kiana Madeira, Olivia Scott Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr.
Rating: 6.2
Votes: 74805
Rated: R
Runtime: 107 min
Format: mkv Size: 893.23 MB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 1080 pixels
Duration: 02:07:03
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