English Complt
Title: Water Gate Bridge (2022)
Genres: Action, Drama, History
Description: Sequel to "The Battle at Lake Changjin". Follows the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) soldiers on a new task, and now their battlefield is a crucial bridge on the retreat route of American troops.
Director: Hark Tsui, Kaige Chen, Dante Lam
Writer: Jianxin Huang, Xiaolong Lan, Xiaojiang Quji
Actors: Jing Wu, Jackson Yee, Michael Koltes
Rating: 5.5
Votes: 445
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 153 min
Format: mp4 Size: 1.97 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 820 pixels
Duration: 02:28:57
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Title: Water Gate Bridge (2022)
Genres: Action, Drama, History
Description: Sequel to "The Battle at Lake Changjin". Follows the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) soldiers on a new task, and now their battlefield is a crucial bridge on the retreat route of American troops.
Director: Hark Tsui, Kaige Chen, Dante Lam
Writer: Jianxin Huang, Xiaolong Lan, Xiaojiang Quji
Actors: Jing Wu, Jackson Yee, Michael Koltes
Rating: 5.5
Votes: 445
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 153 min
Format: mp4 Size: 1.97 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 820 pixels
Duration: 02:28:57
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