The Double (2013)
Title: The Double (2013)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Description: Simon is a timid man, scratching out an isolated existence in an indifferent world. He is overlooked at work, scorned by his mother, and ignored by the woman of his dreams. He feels powerless to change any of these things. The arrival of a new co-worker, James, serves to upset the balance. James is both Simon's exact physical double and his opposite - confident, charismatic and good with women. To Simon's horror, James slowly starts taking over his life.
Director: Richard Ayoade
Writer: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Ayoade, Avi Korine
Actors: Jesse Eisenberg, Mia Wasikowska, Wallace Shawn
Rating: 6.5
Votes: 49875
Rated: R
Runtime: 93 min
Format: mp4 Size: 753.93 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 696 pixels
Duration: 01:32:44
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Title: The Double (2013)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Description: Simon is a timid man, scratching out an isolated existence in an indifferent world. He is overlooked at work, scorned by his mother, and ignored by the woman of his dreams. He feels powerless to change any of these things. The arrival of a new co-worker, James, serves to upset the balance. James is both Simon's exact physical double and his opposite - confident, charismatic and good with women. To Simon's horror, James slowly starts taking over his life.
Director: Richard Ayoade
Writer: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Ayoade, Avi Korine
Actors: Jesse Eisenberg, Mia Wasikowska, Wallace Shawn
Rating: 6.5
Votes: 49875
Rated: R
Runtime: 93 min
Format: mp4 Size: 753.93 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 696 pixels
Duration: 01:32:44
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