The Nut Job (2014)
Title: The Nut Job (2014)
Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Description: In a city park, Surly the Squirrel has finally gone too far with his latest caper . Now exiled, Surly and his rat buddy Buddy's collective nightmare on the streets ends when they discover a nut store to raid. With no other options, she arranges a deal to help in Surly's heist for the colony, even while Surly fully intends to betray it. However, there is more going on with the nut store being a front for bank robbers while Raccoon has his own agenda to ensure his own power. In the mayhem to come, Surly finds himself challenged in ways he never expected and discovering the real prize to treasure in this adventure.
Director: Peter Lepeniotis
Writer: Peter Lepeniotis, Lorne Cameron, Daniel Woo
Actors: Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson
Rating: 5.7
Votes: 28165
Rated: PG
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mp4 Size: 701.44 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 694 pixels
Duration: 01:25:54
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Title: The Nut Job (2014)
Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Description: In a city park, Surly the Squirrel has finally gone too far with his latest caper . Now exiled, Surly and his rat buddy Buddy's collective nightmare on the streets ends when they discover a nut store to raid. With no other options, she arranges a deal to help in Surly's heist for the colony, even while Surly fully intends to betray it. However, there is more going on with the nut store being a front for bank robbers while Raccoon has his own agenda to ensure his own power. In the mayhem to come, Surly finds himself challenged in ways he never expected and discovering the real prize to treasure in this adventure.
Director: Peter Lepeniotis
Writer: Peter Lepeniotis, Lorne Cameron, Daniel Woo
Actors: Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson
Rating: 5.7
Votes: 28165
Rated: PG
Runtime: 85 min
Format: mp4 Size: 701.44 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 694 pixels
Duration: 01:25:54
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