English Complt
Title: The Town of Ghosts (2022)
Genres: Thriller, Horror
Description: In the early 1900s, two young men stumbled upon a secluded little town that had a terrible curse. As they solve the mysteries buried deep in the town that traps residents from leaving alive, great secrets were gradually revealed.
Director: Tao Zhang
Writer: N/A
Actors: QiaoQiao Jin, Li-Chun Lee, Yun-Yun Lee
Rating: 0.0
Votes: 12
Rated: N/A
Runtime: N/A
Format: mkv Size: 1.3 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 816 pixels
Duration: 01:41:44
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Title: The Town of Ghosts (2022)
Genres: Thriller, Horror
Description: In the early 1900s, two young men stumbled upon a secluded little town that had a terrible curse. As they solve the mysteries buried deep in the town that traps residents from leaving alive, great secrets were gradually revealed.
Director: Tao Zhang
Writer: N/A
Actors: QiaoQiao Jin, Li-Chun Lee, Yun-Yun Lee
Rating: 0.0
Votes: 12
Rated: N/A
Runtime: N/A
Format: mkv Size: 1.3 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 816 pixels
Duration: 01:41:44
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