The Zero Theorem (2013)
Title: The Zero Theorem (2013)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Description: A hugely talented but socially isolated computer operator is tasked by Management to prove the Zero Theorem: that the universe ends as nothing, rendering life meaningless. But meaning is what he already craves.
Director: Terry Gilliam
Writer: Pat Rushin, Terry Gilliam
Actors: Christoph Waltz, Lucas Hedges, Mélanie Thierry
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 47197
Rated: R
Runtime: 107 min
Format: mp4 Size: 809.59 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 736 pixels
Duration: 01:46:27
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Title: The Zero Theorem (2013)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Description: A hugely talented but socially isolated computer operator is tasked by Management to prove the Zero Theorem: that the universe ends as nothing, rendering life meaningless. But meaning is what he already craves.
Director: Terry Gilliam
Writer: Pat Rushin, Terry Gilliam
Actors: Christoph Waltz, Lucas Hedges, Mélanie Thierry
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 47197
Rated: R
Runtime: 107 min
Format: mp4 Size: 809.59 MB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 736 pixels
Duration: 01:46:27
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