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Title: Vicky and Her Mystery (2021)
Genres: Drama
Description: Victoria, 8 year old girl whose mother just passed away, relocates with her father in a small mountain village. She finds solace in the adoption of a puppy of unknown origin found in an isolated farm.
Director: Denis Imbert
Writer: Denis Imbert, Mathieu Oullion, Rémi Sappe
Actors: Vincent Elbaz, Shanna Keil, Marie Gillain
Rating: 6.4
Votes: 1820
Rated: TV-PG
Runtime: 84 min
Format: mkv Size: 1.38 GB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 528 pixels
Duration: 01:20:18
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Title: Vicky and Her Mystery (2021)
Genres: Drama
Description: Victoria, 8 year old girl whose mother just passed away, relocates with her father in a small mountain village. She finds solace in the adoption of a puppy of unknown origin found in an isolated farm.
Director: Denis Imbert
Writer: Denis Imbert, Mathieu Oullion, Rémi Sappe
Actors: Vincent Elbaz, Shanna Keil, Marie Gillain
Rating: 6.4
Votes: 1820
Rated: TV-PG
Runtime: 84 min
Format: mkv Size: 1.38 GB
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 528 pixels
Duration: 01:20:18
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